Premium Monthly Website

We get that running a small business can be a handful, so leave the online stuff to us. Our team crafts websites that not only look good but also work like a charm to bring you new leads and gain more recognition for your company, all at a sweet monthly rate. No tech headaches for you – just focus on what you love while we handle the rest.

$0 down, $250/month

We offer these services with $0 down to jumpstart your business. Many websites cost $5,000-10,000 initially; we charge just $250/month.

Explore additional services listed below for added benefits.

What's included?

Essential services come included in this package for a successful website. For specific business needs, explore our optional add-ons for additional support.


6 month commitment, then month-to-month

To kick things off, we suggest a friendly 6-month adventure with us. Why? Well, great things take time—like Google analyzing and ranking your website (usually 6-12 months). It's like growing your online presence; takes a little while for folks to discover your business.

The website and its code stays with us, so if you decide to make a change, you might need to kick off anew with another provider.

How do we know it’s working?

We enroll in Google Search Console and other tools to track your website's stats. Over time, as your site goes live, we gather data to monitor traffic, performance, and rankings. While we can't promise specific rankings, we aim for solid results. In competitive industries, additional services (listed below) might be needed for a competitive edge.

Comparing alternatives

We've got a few other options on the table. Let's chat about the upsides and downsides of each, so you can make the call that suits you best.

Do It Yourself


You control everything

Save money

Steep learning curve

Difficult to focus on making more sales

Technical headaches when something goes wrong

We fully support business owners who prefer hands-on management but acknowledge the challenges. Drawing from our own experiences, we understand the importance of delegating tasks that require more overhead from us to focus on our core strengths.

Monthly Plan

$0 down, $250/month

Low cost of entry

Short commitment period

Several add-ons for quicker growth

Low financial risk

Build a relationship

Grow with us

Website stays with us if you cancel

We consider this the top-value option for most small businesses. It offers a quick and efficient way to establish an online presence and experience growth within a reasonable timeframe.

Start Monthly Plan!

Custom Website

$5,000+ down, $25+/month

Own your website

Completely custom designs

High cost of entry

Additional costs for maintenance and content

Choosing a custom website is an excellent option, albeit often costly with significant upfront expenses. While we provide this service, we've noticed it can pose a financial challenge for smaller or newer businesses to manage the lump-sum payment.

Schedule a consultation

Other Monthly Services


Easy and quick setup

Often advertise similar features

Typically more expensive

Sometimes have a set up fee

Longer commitment terms

Don't always get a personal rep

While other services may boast similar features to what we offer, direct comparisons can be tricky. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that our monthly plan provides the best value for most small businesses.

Why Not Finance Instead of Paying Indefinitely?

Think of it this way: Financing a $5,000 site at $250/month takes almost 2 years to pay off, leaving you without ongoing service. Our $250/month package is continuous, providing updates while you pay off the cost.

We monitor SEO standards and design trends

Our monthly package ensures regular maintenance, including content updates and adherence to Google and accessibility standards. While we don't focus on trendy designs, we update sites every 3-4 years to prevent them from looking dated.

We are always here to help

Lump sum projects may lack ongoing revisions without prior agreement, leading to charges for any changes. Additionally, once developers move on, availability for assistance may be limited. Our $250/month package offers comparable retainer benefits for content updates and hosting.

You are free to change your mind anytime

Financing commits you to the full project cost plus interest, whereas with us, you can cancel after 6 months with no fees. We'll seamlessly transfer your domain, emails, and content upon cancellation.

You don't have to work with new developers

When transitioning from one developer to another, rebuilding a site is common due to lack of documentation. Our constant maintenance and documentation make it easy for new developers to step in without starting from scratch.

Custom websites have their merits. If you think it's a better fit, let us know!

The types of industries we work with

Certain industries benefit more from this package. Busy business owners or managers, lacking time or a big budget, appreciate this practical website approach.












Business, Law, Medical & Engineering







Local Business




Adventures, Trips, & Stays


And more! If your industry isn't listed, don't worry. We're expanding our features, like online food ordering for restaurants and car inventory for dealerships.

Let's recap

Build your website with Unova for a low entry cost, minimal risk, and a short commitment. We handle the tech, so you can focus on growing your business worry-free. No hidden fees – we're here to help. Explore premium services for faster business growth.

Reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to get started.

[email protected]